# 批量获取单模型管道系统中管件的拓扑属性

POST https://api.bimface.com/data/v1/pipe/files/{file-id}/elements/properties

# 参数

Authorization * bearer {accessToken} string
# Path
file-id * file-id string
# Body
elementIds 构件id列表 < string > array

# 响应

HTTP代码 说明 类型
200 OK GeneralResponseV1«List«EssentialPipingElementResponseBean»»
201 Created -
401 Unauthorized -
403 Forbidden -
404 Not Found -
# 200响应参数
名称 说明 类型
code 样例: "code" string
data 管道构件拓扑数据 < EssentialPipingElementResponseBean >array
systemId 所属系统id < string >array
in 流入点 < float >array
name 名称 string
flowFrom 流入构件列表 < string >array
id id string
flowInto 流出构件列表 < string >array
type 类型 string
out 流出点 < float >array
uvDirection uv贴图与流向关系 int32
message 提示信息 string

# 消耗

  • application/json

# 生成

  • */*
  • application/json

# HTTP请求示例

# 请求 path
# 请求 header
"Authorization: Bearer dc671840-bacc-4dc5-a134-97c1918d664b"
# 请求 body

# HTTP响应示例

# 响应 200
    "code": "bimfaceservice-0000",
    "message": null,
    "data": [
            "flowFrom": [
            "flowInto": [
            "id": "1297",
            "in": [],
            "name": "ELBOW 1 of BRANCH /100-B-8-B1",
            "out": [],
            "systemId": [
            "type": "ELBO",
            "uvDirection": 1
            "flowFrom": [
            "flowInto": [
            "id": "1299",
            "in": [],
            "name": "FLANGE 2 of BRANCH /100-B-8-B1",
            "out": [],
            "systemId": [
            "type": "FLAN",
            "uvDirection": 0